- NumberSense Sites
- GeoGenius
- Visualisation Kit
- How it works
How it works
- How the Visualisation Kit works
In the visualisation activities of this kit, four players work together to construct a 3-D arrangement of blocks where each player has only a 2-D view of the arrangement. This is a group activity, however, a competitive edge can easily be added by setting up the activity as a timed task or by having two or more groups of children compete to see who can complete the activity first. As the level of complexity increases, so does the demand for co-operation within the groups.
Each kit contains enough materials for one group of four players to work together at a time. By purchasing more kits, teachers can involve more groups of children. The Visualisation Kit contains 144 viewing cards. These are graded through five levels: Beginner; Novice; Competent; Expert; and Professional. There is deliberate progression through each of these levels. For those who want additional challenges, extra card sets have been created. See below for access to the extra card sets.Set up and look sharp! Face the grid from your perspective and build your card accordingly!
- The visualisation grid is placed in the middle of the table.
- Four players (A, B, C and D) sit around the table, each facing the grid from their point of view (perspective).
- One set of cards is selected and shared out. Each player receives the card that corresponds to their view (A, B, C or D). Players should look only at their card.
- By selecting the blocks they need, the players work together to place the blocks on the grid to make the arrangement on the cards.
- The players have completed the task when each player is satisfied that the arrangement looks correct from their point of view (perspective).
- Visualisation Kit extra card sets
The Visualisation Kit contains 144 viewing cards. These are graded through five levels: Beginner; Novice; Competent; Expert; and Professional. There is deliberate progression through each of these levels. For those who want additional challenges, extra card sets have been created. Set 2 is available for download below (follow the printing instructions supplied with the download).
Contact info@GeoGenius.co.za for further details on the extra card sets.
- Visualisation Kit User Guide
Visualisation processes are crucial to the development of geometrical understanding. Given the limitations of print, we most often experience three dimensional objects (3-D) through two dimensional (2-D) representations, both in school mathematics and in general. This kit has been created to assist children in developing their visualisation skills by gaining experience in looking at objects from different perspectives (views) so that over time they will be more confident in interpreting 2-D representations of 3-D objects.
In the visualisation activities of this kit, four players work together to construct a 3-D arrangement of blocks, where each player has only a 2-D view of the arrangement. This is a group activity, however, a competitive edge can easily be added by setting up the activity as a timed task or having two or more groups of children compete to see who can complete the activity first. As the level of complexity increases, so does the demand for co-operation within the groups.The notes in this guide support and extend the discussions generated by particular card sets and views. Each set in each level has been developed to follow a deliberate conceptual progression.